Hypertension is a prominent medical problem in the United States. Seventy million Americans suffer from high blood pressure. Only 8% of these people are diagnosed with a real direct cause of high blood pressure such as kidney insufficiency, a tumor on the adrenal gland, or narrowing of the aorta, all of which can be detected by various lab and radiological means. In the other 92% of cases, patients are diagnosed with essential hypertension, which is the same dangerous high blood pressure condition, but with no determined cause.
On DVD #2, Boris explains and performs the step by step treatment protocol for patients with essential hypertension as it was proposed in 1973 by Professor Alexander Dembo, MD, Ph.D., of former Leningrad School of Medicine. Additionally, on DVD #2, Boris thoroughly explains and demonstrates the full-body medical stress management massage, including a demonstration and explanation of deep tissue mobilization. Furthermore, you will find clarification of the difference between stress management massage versus relaxation massage. Also presented on this DVD is a neck exercise program to prevent re-accumulation of tension in cervical muscles, as well as myofascial tissue release and trigger point therapy techniques.
All protocols are introduced in a simple straightforward manner that allowed practitioners to rapidly learn and implement the presented material on clients.
Total DVD time is 2 Hours. Since the DVDs contain educational materials all sales are final.
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